Nothing like the hint of fall in the air to lift your spirits. I mean what could be better for your soul than sipping a pumpkin spice latte in front of a fire pit on a crisp evening?  What? You don’t like pumpkin spice anything? No problem. There are plenty of other activities you can…

5 Ways To Stop Yelling At Your Kid

The message you want to send can be lost in the volume.

“QUIT HITTING YOUR BROTHER!!!” “DIDN’T I TELL YOU TO PICK UP YOUR TOYS???” “I’M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN. YOU CAN’T HAVE ANY MORE COOKIES!!!” “STOP WHINING!!!” “FOR THE 1,000TH TIME, NO, YOU CAN’T ___________(fill in the blank).” And then they ask for the 1,001st time and you totally lose it. I’ve lost it.…

How to Move Past an Emotional Affair

Rebuilding trust will take some effort.

Your marriage has been blindsided by an emotional affair. One of you is struggling with thoughts and feelings of betrayal, shock, and hurt. One of you is struggling with thoughts and feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. How can your marriage move past this? The good news is, your marriage can not only move past…