I was walking in the grocery store the other day and I ran into a friend from high school. We started talking and she asked me about my cousin who went to school with us. Our mutual friend asked how she is doing.  I was actually caught off guard because, in reality, I didn’t know…

Nothing like the hint of fall in the air to lift your spirits. I mean what could be better for your soul than sipping a pumpkin spice latte in front of a fire pit on a crisp evening?  What? You don’t like pumpkin spice anything? No problem. There are plenty of other activities you can…

5 Ways To Stop Yelling At Your Kid

The message you want to send can be lost in the volume.

“QUIT HITTING YOUR BROTHER!!!” “DIDN’T I TELL YOU TO PICK UP YOUR TOYS???” “I’M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN. YOU CAN’T HAVE ANY MORE COOKIES!!!” “STOP WHINING!!!” “FOR THE 1,000TH TIME, NO, YOU CAN’T ___________(fill in the blank).” And then they ask for the 1,001st time and you totally lose it. I’ve lost it.…