I’m Bored With My Spouse!

Get out of that rut with these tips.

It’s your dining room table, you and your spouse are having dinner. And it happens. You realize that you can’t think of anything else to say. It hits you — I’m bored with my spouse. How did this happen to us? We were the fun couple. Conversation was always easy for us. We enjoyed a…


Do you mind if I pretend we are sitting at a coffee shop, and you just said, I think my teen hates me, and we just have a chat? Cool. Oh, who am I? I’m the father of four kids who were teens and one who still is. (I’m looking forward to being a retired…

mom comforting child with storm anxiety

They told us we had a moderate chance of severe weather Easter night and to be weather aware. How many times have we heard that and the weather amounted to nothing to write home about? Many went to sleep thinking if there was severe weather in the area, storm alerts would go off on phones…