My sons and I were in a large department store together. The boys were 9, 4, and 1 at the time. While we were in the car, I restated the “how to act in public” rules: Don’t look at anything, ask for anything, or touch anything! I get them into the store. The little one…

6 Fun Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Toddler

Help them see you as a loving, trusted, and dependable parent.

That little ball of energy you call your toddler is so cute when they’re little. The mess on their face after eating spaghetti is adorable. The way they want to cuddle with you right after you’ve disciplined them just melts your heart. During these early years, you can lay a firm foundation for having a…

8 Ways To Care for Your Spouse’s Mental Health

Give them hope through your encouragement.

Full transparency here: I’ve dealt with feelings of depression and anxiety through much of my adulthood. In fact, I brought it right with me into my marriage. Through it all, my wife has been a solid rock of support and encouragement for me and my mental health during those difficult times. And looking back, I’ve…