25 Things Parents Say When It’s Time for Kids to Go “Back to School”
If you have kids, you've probably said some of them yourself.

By Gena Ellis
August 10, 2021
For many of us, it’s back-to-school time. Each time this year, we are bombarded with ads to help prepare us and our kiddos for school.
Here are 25 things parents say (to yourself or to your kids) when it’s time to go back to school.
- “It’s about time!”
- “BYE! BYE! BYE!”
- “OMG, you have outgrown all of your clothes.”
- “I’m glad I finally get my life back.”
- “My grocery bill (electric bill) will go back to normal.”
- “Don’t make your teacher have to call me.”
- “Why don’t you want to go to school? You are gonna LOVE school.”
- “I don’t care if you don’t like that teacher.”
- “Did you brush your teeth?“
- “This backpack has to last you all year.”
- “There’s a fundraiser? Already?”
- “What’s with all these fees?”
- “Why does your teacher need 7 boxes of tissues?” Or: “Back in my day, all we needed was a Trapper Keeper, pencils and paper. Now, we have to buy out the store.”
- “I’ve got the whole house to myself! I’ve got the whole house to myself!“ (As I spin around in circles.)
- “Keep up with your stuff (water bottle, sweater, notebook), I’m not buying another.”
- “You lost it, already?!”
- “I can’t believe that you are in ______ grade. It seems like you were just in kindergarten.”
- “I can’t win without losing. My food bill goes down, but my GAS bill goes up.”
- “Call me Mario Andretti!!!”
- “These should last you all year.”
- I say to myself, “Do you hear that? No, what? Peace and Quiet!!!”
- “It’s the MOST Wonderful time of the year!!!”
- As they walk out the door, “Where has my baby gone?”
- “After last year, I’m so GLAD school is open.”
- “Go BE Great.”
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