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51 search results for: family meeting


The $1,000 High Chair

As I think back to when my children were first born, there are many memories that come to mind of being bombarded with all the things that babies need. I remember attending a presentation for a $1,000 high chair. It was implied that if I didn’t purchase the high chair, I really didn’t love or…


Why Should I Consider Counseling?

Are you considering counseling? The Counseling Problem: I don’t want people to know that I’m getting counseling! We can work this out ourselves! Counseling might do some good for other people, but I don’t need it. Counseling is one of those things that sadly often gets stigmatized or viewed as good for other people. If you are…


What To Do When Your Child Gets In Trouble At School

Help! My child’s teacher has requested a parent-teacher conference! I taught middle school and high school for over 20 years and I’ve raised five children. I’ve been on both sides of the teacher’s desk for conferences. I’ve been on both ends of difficult telephone calls. As a teacher, I’ve had to try to convince parents…


Finding Meaning in Life

In a quest to find out what makes life meaningful for Americans, the Pew Research Center conducted two separate surveys in 2017. The first asked people to write in their own words what makes their lives feel meaningful, and the second asked respondents to rate how much meaning and fulfillment they drew from different sources.…


Work, Margin and Relationships

Are there days when you feel like you never left the office? Or you just don’t have the energy to deal with the many demands of home life? Creating margin between work and relationships isn’t easy. Without even knowing it, many people are living life on the edge these days. They have this feeling that…


Steps for Keeping the Peace in Broken Homes

“How do I get my ex to be consistent with discipline?” “Sometimes I find it very hard not to talk bad about my ex in front of the children.” “Nothing makes my blood pressure go up faster than when my ex says they will do something and they don’t.” “I honestly believe my ex does…


Letters from Dad

Greg Vaughn lost his father to Alzheimer’s years ago. “I remember it like it was yesterday,” says Vaughn. “I know my dad loved me because he made sure our family was taken care of. But he never could say ‘I love you,’ or ‘Son, I am proud of you.’ That void left a hole in…


5 Parenting Tips for Media Use in Your Home

As a parent, how can you control media use in your home? At the beginning of middle school, Melanie Hempe’s oldest son, Adam, started trading his outdoor time for playing video games inside and she became a Game-Cop Mom. Since Adam was a straight-A student, Hempe let his bad habit slide.  “But his ninth grade…