
I was thinking about this question as I drove to pick my 14-year-old up from football practice. Without any context, when he got in the car, I asked, “Do we ever fight?” He said no, and I followed up with, “Why not?” [His insights surprised me and definitely made me look like a better parent…


This engagement season is something you’ve looked forward to. Being able to tell your family and friends that someone loves you so much that they want to spend their life by your side. In this season of excitement, planning begins and you ask each other questions about what you want your life together to look…


How do you know how strong and healthy your marriage is? Doctors help us to know whether our bodies are strong and healthy.  I love getting a good report from the doctor after a check-up: Mr. Ownby, your lab work shows your cholesterol is at a very healthy level.  Mr. Ownby, your heart rate is…