25 Things To Do When Your Kids Say They’re Bored

Banish boredom with this fun and easy list.
By Reggie Madison
July 15, 2020

I’m bored! Who’s heard that from their kids? Your children probably believe that it is your responsibility to solve any boredom issues they have. 

First Rule of Parenting: Boredom in this context is a “kid” problem, not a “parent” problem. 

But if they come to you as though it’s your problem to solve, then they’ve got to live with your solution, whether they like it or not. What we’ve got for you are 25 things to do when your kids say they are bored. Some of these require your involvement. Others are meant for the kids to do without you.

Do The Kids Say They Are Bored? Try these things!


Assign them chores: clean rooms, scrub toilets, sweep floors, and fold clothes. 

Read a book!

Give them a book to read and a set amount of time to read. When the time is up, they must tell you what they read about. If they are younger, like my 7-year-old, you may need to give them multiple books since their books tend to be shorter. Rule-:They must sound out any word they can’t pronounce. They can write the words they can’t pronounce on a sheet of paper and ask us the words when their time is up.


Use craft items and create a project. 

Play/Teach them a new board game.

The more games your child knows how to play, the less likely they are to complain of boredom, especially when they have friends over. 

Bake something with them.

Google a recipe for some cookies, brownies, muffins, or cupcakes, and make it together.

Start a pillow fight!

Spontaneously start a pillow fight. It will wear them out, relieve some steam, and provide a memory for the family. 

Go for a bike ride.

Ride on your street or go to a local park and ride. If your young one doesn’t know how to ride, this becomes a great time for them to learn. 

Build an outdoor mud kitchen.

I had no idea the amount of time my kids would spend on a little homemade pretend kitchen. They’ve made mud pies, rock burgers, dirtshakes, and even fried some clay patties. 


Take a walk around the neighborhood or find a local trail. Let the kids get a tall stick to walk with and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

Adventure Day.

Do something you’ve not done before. For instance, eat somewhere they’ve never eaten before. Hike at a place they’ve never hiked before. Drive somewhere you’ve never seen before. Create something you’ve never created before.

Crazy Dance Time!

Turn on their favorite music and tell them to dance ‘til they drop. The more energetic the dance, the better.


You can YouTube a karaoke version of just about any song your child’s heart desires. Whether it’s Disney classics or the greatest children’s hits. Let them sing their little hearts out.

Use scrap materials throughout the home to create or build something.

Encourage your kids to use materials that would otherwise be thrown away to create or build something useful. You may want them to ask permission prior to deciding what is scrap and what is still being used.

Create your own obstacle course out of objects around the house.

This one is a house favorite. Kids will set up pillows, boxes, and stuffed animals as landmines, whatever their creative minds come up with as an obstacle course. It’s fun when there are multiple kids who will blindfold each other and lead their sibling/friend through the obstacle course.

Water fight outside!

There’s something about kids and water. Turn on the garden hose and spray ‘em. Fill up buckets and see who can pour them on each other. Get some water balloons and have a water fight. Pull out the water guns and soak each other. 

Create/Write your own story.

Give them a pencil and paper or a recorder and have them create their own story. There must be a main character, a villain, a problem, an adventure, a beginning/middle/end, etc. Give rewards for creativity.

Fashion Show/Photo Shoot.

Children dress up in different clothing combinations and take pictures of them walking the runway while modeling their latest fashion trends from their closets.

Wash the car!

Take advantage of this before they get too old and start wanting payment for it. There’s something about smaller kids (under 12), cars, water, hoses, and suds that is a winning combination for a parent who needs a car wash.

Create cards to send to people.

Get a pack of small blank cards and have the kids simply write cards to let people know that they are thinking about them. 

Write a handwritten letter to relatives (particularly older family members).

Write a handwritten letter to a grandparent or family friend. In the letter, include what they are learning in school, new things or activities they participate in, favorite things to watch, and something they are thankful for. 

Learn the types of critters, birds, and animals outside your home.

Collect bugs, leaves, flowers, rocks, etc., and have the kids identify what species it is using the internet or a book.

Put together a puzzle!

Puzzles are a great, educational way to challenge the mind, engage your child, and continue to develop cognitive skills.

Sweep the porch, garage, or driveway.

There’s always something that can be done to help maintain the home. Give them a broom and leave them the instructions that there should be no dirt, trash, or dust left when they finish. 

Zoom/Facetime/Videochat with a relative.

The kids can write out a list of questions to ask an adult relative or simply talk to someone about what is happening in their world. 

Color in a coloring book!

Every home should have a coloring book and crayons to pass the time when boredom sets in.


Draw outside with sidewalk chalk. The only thing better than a coloring book is some concrete and sidewalk chalk to draw and color with. 

Addressing the boredom issue with our children involves teaching them how to be creative and leaving space for them to be creative. There are times when it’s good for parents to take the opportunity to bond and spend time with their children. Other times, your children need to know that their boredom is not your responsibility. Don’t feel obligated to rush to eliminate their boredom every time it rears its head. But recognize that there are moments when our children help us to stay fresh, creative, and loose. And remember, conquering boredom with something fun together may create a memory that lasts forever. 

Here are some other blogs about boredom:




Image from Pexels.com

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