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50 search results for: family meeting


3 Reasons To Let Your Child Have More Screen Time

You’re a good parent. You wouldn’t call yourself one. You’re truly humbled by how much you don’t know about parenting. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed. Often, it’s like you’re flying by the seat of your pants. But you care. You’re trying hard at this parenting thing. So, you invest time in reading about health, nutrition, and child…


What to Do When Your Spouse Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations

Expectations are part of a healthy marriage. But unmet expectations can cause frustration and tension.  You expect something from your spouse.  Maybe you expect them to do something (but they’re not).  Or to not do something (but they are).  Your expectation is for them to live up to a certain standard. And for whatever reason,…


How Does Our Marriage Promote Cultural Diversity?

With Black History Month upon us, my wife and I decided it’s a good time to talk about how we celebrate Black History, not only in February but throughout the year.  Appreciating diversity has been a core value in our marriage since day one, partly due to necessity. I’m an American, born and raised in…


Warning Signs of an Emotional Affair

Have you ever had a fight with your spouse as you were walking out the door to work and actually thought to yourself, “I can’t wait to get to work to talk with so-and-so because he/she is such a good listener and gets me.” This thought may feel completely harmless to you at first, but…


Seven Things Every Child Needs to Thrive

Does it seem like everyone has something to say about how you’re parenting? Do you question whether or not you’re doing the right thing for your child? Do you want assurance that you’re meeting your child’s needs? Researchers and practitioners have sought for years to find what children need to thrive in a variety of…


How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage

Is marriage on your mind for your future? If it is, it doesn’t make a difference whether you’re a single searching for that special someone, in an “endgame” relationship, or perhaps already engaged when it comes to preparing yourself for marriage. If you know in your heart of hearts that you want marriage to be…