Prepare for Marriage, Not Just the Wedding

Plan ahead for a strong relationship after the big day.

Looking for ways to strengthen your marriage before it starts? Try these tips to help you prepare for life after the wedding day.First, attend a premarital education class or premarital counseling. Eighty-nine percent of married couples who attended premarital education BEFORE marriage found it to be helpful down the road.

Wondering how you can connect with your kiddos? Here’s a list to get you started!Plan a regular time for Daddy/Child date to do something fun and adventurous.Write a short message to them on a stick-it note and hide it in their lunch.Let your child help you wash the car or fix something.Play a game with them – one that they want to play.If you like to cook, let them help you.Take them to the park.Teach your child how to do something like build a kite, a soapbox derby car, a paper airplane, etc.T…

Eric was married with two children. Life at home was good, and he considered his relationship with his wife to be healthy. They frequently spent time together and intimacy between the two of them was good.