No one wants to suffer the heartache of a broken relationship, whether it is a divorce or the dissolution of a cohabiting situation. While living together may have short-term advantages, it comes at a high long-term cost.MYTH: Living together is an easy way to "try out" the relationship before committing to marriage.Truth: While the idea of "test driving" a car before you buy it is a good idea, it doesn't apply to marriage. Couples who live together often have attitudes l…

The Importance of Positive Male Role Models

Everyone can help to make sure kids have the role models they need.

Many boys today don’t know what it means to be a man because they don’t have a man in their lives. Sadly, children will go to bed tonight without saying goodnight to their father because he just isn’t there.Nearly one-fourth of America’s children live in mother-only families. Locally, 39 percent of Hamilton County families are headed by a single mother.Of the children living with their mothers, 35 percent never see their father.

Can a Marriage Survive an Affair?

These action steps can be helpful.

Sally, an outdoor enthusiast, is happily married to her husband, Sam, a computer buff.* Instead of nagging Sam about not being outside with her, Sally joined a weekly hiking club to meet her need to experience the great outdoors. Sally made lots of new friends. On hikes they would talk about kids, spouses, etc.