10 Tips to Help Blended Families

These things can help you keep your focus.

Remarrying with children often creates a complex dynamic. Expectations may not be clear and people aren’t sure how to behave. Ex-spouses and their new spouse impact what happens in your household.

Couples Who Work Together

You can learn a lot from living and working together.

Did you know that 1.4 million married couples in the United States not only live together, but they work together, too?Robin and Michael McKenna ran the family business together for 10 years in Savannah, Georgia.“My husband was working in corporate America,” says Mrs. McKenna. “We realized that we could either move around with his job or move to Savannah and help his father run the family business.

Stop Trying to Fix It

You can work on communication issues together.

Perhaps you have seen the video It’s Not about the Nail that has millions of views on YouTube.As a couple sits on the couch, the female describes relentless pressure and pain in her head that won’t go away. While she vocalizes her frustration, the scene expands enough for the viewer to see a nail in her forehead.The male says to her, “You do have a nail in your head.”Her response? “It is not about the nail.”An argument ensues.