Parents of young children often discuss among themselves whether they are doing all the right things to help their kids become healthy, happy adults.How many activities should they be involved in? How much sleep do they really need? Is it bad to fix something different for each child for dinner?

The Effects of Childhood Trauma

A child's home life plays a huge part.

Of the 76 million children living in the United States, a staggering 60 percent (46 million) of them will experience violence, abuse, crime and psychological trauma before they turn 18. That’s according to the U.S. Department of Justice.Believe it or not, home life plays a huge part in these statistics.

Kindness: The Superpower Everyone Can Use

Being kind has the power to transform every relationship.

“What if you don’t respect or appreciate your spouse?”That’s the question a woman asked social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn after she spoke at a conference on the topic of kindness.Feldhahn encouraged her to take a 30-day Kindness Challenge. The steps are: Say nothing negative about that person – either to them or about them.Each day, find one positive thing to praise or affirm about that person. Then tell them and tell someone else. Each day, do one small …