
If you have ever watched Everybody Loves Raymond, you know firsthand how overbearing in-laws like Ray’s mom can be. Giving her opinion when nobody asked for it, making off-handed comments about their parenting, criticizing decisions they make, and talking about them to each other was Marie’s style for sure. And, Raymond found it really hard…


I just want to feel our love – the love we are spending time, energy, and money on celebrating. I miss the lack of urgency in answering questions and exchanging our ideas to spark conversations instead of polite compromises. When I was in the midst of planning my wedding I didn’t prioritize quality time with…


Are you feeling frustrated with your spouse? Do things just seem more intense between the two of you? Is working from home and/or taking care of the family making you tired?  Are you worn out from keeping up with the household duties?  Do you find that you and your spouse are arguing and disagreeing more?…