How to Rebuild Trust in Marriage

While there are no guarantees, there are things you can do to try.

When trust is broken within a marriage, rebuilding it cannot automatically be assumed. Many times you can rebuild trust if both parties are willing to do the work necessary to restore it, though. David Horsager, author of The Trust Edge says, “(trust) is a confident belief in someone or something. It’s the confident belief in…

4 Reasons Why Respect Matters In Marriage

Hint: It plays a critical part in a healthy marriage.

Respect matters in marriage.  Maybe more than anything else.  And I’m going to tell you why.  Respect may best be defined as the way you show true appreciation for another person. Respect is an action, not just a feeling. It’s a declaration of value for someone. We demonstrate respect by how we behave toward another…

You and your spouse are arguing constantly. Maybe there’s a never-ending tension-filled silence at home when you’re around your partner. Or you feel like you can’t ever believe anything your significant other says.  You’ve heard that marriages can be hard work. But you’re not sure if this is “good” hard work, if you just have…