“I think my spouse is depressed. How do I support them?” “I’m single and depressed. Will I ever find love?” “My relationship is unhealthy and it’s taking a toll. What should I do?” These are just a few of the questions we hear regularly at First Things First about mental health concerns and intimate relationships.…

“Mom, I don’t want to go to school today. I’m not good at writing letters. Some of my friends are better than me,” my almost 4-year-old told me with tears in his eyes. This was the first time he ever told me he didn’t want to go to preschool. It was certainly the first time…

My son was born four years ago. I took a three month maternity leave and eased my way back into work, a luxury many parents do not have. I remember calling my sister-in-law one night (who is also a working mom) and sobbing to her about my life. I’m a horrible mom. My son is…