September 23 | 😉 Start your wedding day like this…No Regrets!

September 23 | 🎪 Constantly juggling time between your spouse & kids?

September 23 | 🎪 Constantly juggling your spouse & kids??

September 16 | 🤔 Who’s the default parent in your house?

September 16 | 🤔 Is it healthy to argue?

September 16 | 🔎 ❤️ The truth about why even happy couples fight…

September 09 | Screen time or meal time?

September 09 | Planning a wedding? Read this!

How Date Night Can Boost Your Relationship
When it comes to romancing your mate for special holidays like Valentine's Day or birthdays, some couples have a head start on the celebration. Why? They've discovered that making regular time for each other is linked to lots of relationship benefits.According to The Date Night Opportunity, a 2012 report released by the National Marriage Project, couples who manage to devote time specifically to one another at least once a week:Are markedly more likely to enjoy high-quality relationships...

How to Deal With Unspoken Expectations
In his book, Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married, Dr. Gary Chapman tells about the frustration he and his wife felt in the early years of their marriage. At one point, he shares that they went for weeks without cleaning the toilet. He couldn’t understand why she wasn’t cleaning the toilet because that was something his mom always did.

Resources for Dealing with Porn Addiction
Perhaps you believe that you or someone you love is addicted to pornography. While the temptation may be great to keep it quiet, there are lots of resources to help with recovery.In her book, An Affair of the Mind, Laurie Hall says that, from her experience and research, there is no easy answer. As the spouse of a porn addict, she learned she had to disengage from trying to fix him and, instead, take care of herself.“You have to build your own personal foundations under you – boundar...

Potential Boundary Issues
Before you take that walk down the aisle, sit down with each set of in-laws and talk about boundaries within your relationship.For example, when a couple considered purchasing a house close to his mother, the mother-in-law said, "I am OK with you living close to me, but you will call before you come to visit and I will do the same." That was one smart mother-in-law!Things To ConsiderIf your in-laws have a key to your home, how will they use that? Are you OK with them dropping in whenev...

Creative Date Ideas
Going on a date doesn’t have to be expensive or stressful. Here are a few of our ideas:Go for a hike in the mountains.Watch a funny movie together.Help out in a service organization together.Grab something to eat and take it to the park for a picnic.Go for a walk or jog.Cook a meal together.Go to a park, swing and play.People watch in the mall.Go for a drive and explore new places.Work out together.Learn something new together.Get dressed up and have a candlelight dinner at home.Go to a hi...

What’s My Risk for Divorce?
I was in my late 20s and Jay was 30 when we decided to marry. Both of us are children of divorce. I also had a lot of debt from putting myself through college, and I loved Jay and totally thought he was “the one.” But, I would be lying if I told you I didn’t have some anxiety about what might happen to us in the future.

What Americans Think About Marriage
A January 2017 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair poll asked Americans about their views about marriage, and what they found may surprise you.In 1960, 78 percent of American households were married. Compare that to 48 percent of today’s households. Why such a dramatic drop?These days, many factors contribute to a decreasing marriage rate.

The Cost of Delayed Marriage
Knot Yet, a report released in April 2013 by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies, The Relate Institute and The National Marriage Project at The University of Virginia, explores the positive and negative consequences for 20-something women, men, their children and the entire nation concerning two troublesome trends:The age at which men and women marry, now at historic heights – 27 for women and 29 for men; andThe age at which women have children.Delayed marriage ...

Myths About Living Together
No one wants to suffer the heartache of a broken relationship, whether it is a divorce or the dissolution of a cohabiting situation. While living together may have short-term advantages, it comes at a high long-term cost.MYTH: Living together is an easy way to "try out" the relationship before committing to marriage.Truth: While the idea of "test driving" a car before you buy it is a good idea, it doesn't apply to marriage. Couples who live together often have attitudes l...

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