One Thing You Can Do to Make Your Children Happy

By Lauren Hall
April 22, 2024

Happiness is in no way the main goal of parenting or all that a child needs. Study after study shows a bit of struggle and frustration will allow a child to build character. But having a positive outlook and a foundation of optimism can protect children from mental health issues throughout life.

Knowing this, there is one thing that will allow children to feel happiness more than anything else: your love.

A 2023 Pew Research survey showed that 94% of parents feel it is extremely important that their children have strong moral and ethical beliefs. 76% of parents said that their greatest worry for their children was their mental health. This includes the effects of depression and anxiety on the next generation. 

It’s clear parents want their children to be good, happy people. So, what can we do to help your children be happy? According to the Journal of Child and Family Studies, a parent’s warmth and love play a big role in a child viewing their world in a positive light. It specifically pointed to the influence a father or a father figure can have on a child’s lifelong happiness.

When it comes to teaching happiness to our children, actions speak louder than words. You’ve probably heard the dangers of telling your child to, “do as I say, not as I do.” Research backs this up as well. Several studies in the past twenty years have shown that things like religious practices, drinking alcohol, or exercising regularly, are more likely to be passed down through generations by action more than word. For example, if a parent tells their child not to drink alcohol, yet they themselves drink alcohol regularly, their child is more than likely to start a drinking habit as an adult.

The same thing can be used for how parents show love and affection to their children. It’s one thing to say “I love you” and to provide food, a home, and clothes. It’s another thing to establish consistent fun, warmth, and honesty in your relationship. These are some of the key things you need to make positive memories together.

What’s the key takeaway from all of this?

When you’re stuck in a parenting rut or when you’re feeling overwhelmed and lost on what to do for your child, turn to warmth and affection. Show them love.

This is easier said than done, and it may sound over-optimistic, but kids need to know they’re loved and accepted unconditionally more than anything else in the world.

And here’s some good news: showing love to your kids doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to be a perfect parent, and your kids don’t have to be perfect either. Just by being there for them, by giving them hugs, and by showing them that you care, you’re doing something really important.

So, keep on loving your kids, even on the tough days. Because in the end, your love is one of the best things you can give them. And that’s something they’ll carry with them their whole lives.

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  1. Elisabeth Claus
    Elisabeth Claus says:

    I always here about the influence of a father figure, and the importance of this. But what about when a father died??!! These comments don’t give me an answer for this. Please provide more context and address situations where a father, as much as he would have DEARLY loved to be here, cannot be here to care for and love and parent his children.
