Dealing with Homework Pressures

Decrease the angst with these tips.

At the beginning of the school year, a second grade teacher in Texas sent this letter home to her classroom parents:After much research this summer, I am trying something new. Homework will only consist of work that your student did not finish during the school day. There will be no formally assigned homework this year.Research has been unable to prove that homework improves student performance.

How do you feel when your child has a meltdown? You probably do everything you can think of to help them, but absolutely nothing works. It could be in the store checkout line, at bedtime, the second you walk in your friend’s house or at a birthday party.

How to Help Kids Handle Rejection

You can help them learn how to challenge and confront false ideas.

When Sara left home on the first day of sixth grade, she was super-excited about starting middle school. She was anything but excited when she got in the car at the the end of the day.Sara told her mom that her friends since kindergarten had decided to end their friendship. The leader of group had told them, “We don’t like her anymore,” a statement that launched Sara and her family into a year of chaos.Every impulse in Sara’s mom wanted to hunt down those girls, but she knew better than to do th…