Why Fathers Matter

What dads do or don't do impacts their child.

Dr. Warren Farrell, psychologist and author of Father Child Reunion, was intrigued with why children with active fathers do so well. In an attempt to better understand it, he spent more than a decade analyzing worldwide research.“I knew when I started this research that dads were important, but I had no idea how important,” says Farrell.

Kids Need Their Daddy

Use these tips to connect with your children more!

The pressures of fatherhood are great. On any given day, balancing work and family, finances and discipline usually rank at the top of the issue list. For years, our culture has told men that being a good provider equates to being a good dad.

What You Should Know About Teens and Opioids

The opioid epidemic impacts almost everyone.

Dr. Nita Shumaker, pediatrician and president of the Tennessee Medical Association, is on a mission. When she’s not seeing patients, she’s spreading the word about the danger of opioid use and its impact on people everywhere.“There were 64,000 deaths in the U.S.