"Voted" stickers

It’s an election year, which means more news, more debates, and more campaign ads are on the horizon. While many have figured out how to avoid heated politically-fueled conversations around extended family members, it’s more challenging to keep the peace when you and your spouse have different political views. As the political landscapes become increasingly…

grandmother and granddaughter

My grandmother passed away last week. She was 85, and her health had been slowly declining for a few years. But it didn’t make the news any easier to hear when she passed. When I was growing up, my grandmother and I spent a lot of time together. Some of the time was regularly scheduled,…

As my oldest child approaches his fifth birthday, I find myself reflecting on the challenges of raising kids in today’s world. From the moment he was born, I’ve been mindful of how much time he spends in front of screens. It’s not easy in a world where screens are everywhere – TVs at grandma’s, FaceTime…