How to Talk to Your Children When Bad Things Happen

Here's help when you have to navigate some really hard conversations with your child.

One of the biggest challenges of parenthood is explaining to your children about bad things that happen in our world. How do you talk with children about violence, death and other issues that are often difficult for even adults to handle?Examine your own feelings first. It is difficult to talk with your children if you have not evaluated your feelings about what has happened.For example, talking about death makes many people uncomfortable.

8 Ways to Celebrate the Empty Nest

When your identity has been wrapped up in parenting, it can be hard to regain your footing.

The house is SO quiet and your heart feels a bit heavy. You have definitely shed some tears. You have also stayed awake wondering if you prepared them well to be successful out on their own.

A Dad’s Letter to His Daughter

You can make sure your daughter knows what true beauty is.

One October, Kelly Flanagan’s friend texted him while walking down the makeup aisle to pick something up for his wife. The text said, “Expectations on this aisle are oppressive.”“That text was unsettling to me,” says Dr. Flanagan, husband, dad and clinical psychologist.