July 15, 2022
top trending topics
❤️ Prepare for marriage– it’s important to plan ahead for after the big day.
💍 Considering breaking off your engagement? Think through what’s best for you.
✅ 5 do’s & don’ts to help you get ready for married life.
🔍 A glimpse at how your relationship will change after marriage.
🗣️ If the arguments seem constant, work through with these tips.
tips & tricks for growth
preparing for marriage can make your relationship stronger
Your wedding day is approaching. You’re looking forward to all the benefits of a fun, stable, vibrant marriage: deep intimacy, unbreakable connection, and unconditional friendship. Taking the time to prepare for your marriage can help you mix all the ingredients necessary for a strong relationship and satisfying marriage.
It can make your relationship stronger, and can take many forms: premarital education and premarital counseling are the most direct and intentional methods. Research from Scott Stanley and others has shown that couples who receive premarital preparation are less likely to divorce.
Preparing for your marriage will not only give you a head start to a thriving marriage, just as importantly, it will also strengthen your relationship in the process. A strong relationship is just the ingredient you need for a thriving marriage.
keys to effective communication in your relationship
What are the keys to effective communication? Well, research on what makes marriage work shows that happy and healthy couples have a ratio of 5:1 positive to negative behaviors in their relationship.
This means there are five times as many positive interactions between happy couples (i.e., listening, validating the other person, using soft words, expressing appreciation, affirmation, physical affection, compliments, etc.) as there are negative (i.e., raising one’s voice, stating a complaint, or expressing one’s anger).
tips for improving communication for your future marriage:
💚 Be intentional about spending time together.
💚 Use more “I” statements and less “You” statements.
💚 Be specific.
💚 Avoid mind-reading.
💚 Express negative feelings constructively.
💚 Listen without being defensive.
💚 Freely express positive feelings.
what we’re lovin’
This week’s picks come from what you loved most over the past year! We did a little research and compiled the top 3 picks that you seemed to enjoy most over the last 12 months. Check them out!
📲 Goodbudget App is a tool my wife and I used quite a bit in our first few years of marriage, especially as we were paying off debt. A great tool to have!
👩❤️💋👨 This awesome Random Date Night website is filled with new and interesting ideas for the couple who is having trouble finding fun and new things to do together. I honestly wish I had found out about this website earlier!
🤍 How We Love Quiz is an eye-opening online quiz to help determine your unique Love Style. There are 5 unique Love Styles that take into account how our childhood experiences formed the roots of who we are and continue to inform the way we respond to others and express love especially in our marriage. The best part? IT’S FREE.
share the love
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