August 27, 2021
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3 great dates to enhance communication in your marriage
With everything couples have been having to focus on lately, it’s no surprise that enhancing communication in marriage might be a bit lacking. I mean, who has time to sit down and have meaningful conversation about anything besides work, school decisions, masks, and hand sanitizer?
That being said, what if we get creative for you and give you some fun date nights that set the mood for some lighthearted fun along with the chance to enhance communication in your marriage? Good idea? Great, glad you like it! Let’s get this party started.
DATE NIGHT #1 – Party Under the Stars
DATE NIGHT #2 – Shut the Door and Turn the Lights Down Low…Spa Night
DATE NIGHT #3 –Dinner and a Trip Around the World-Virtually…
★ Now, you may be wondering how in the world any of these dates will enhance communication in your marriage. Glad you asked.
For communication to flow easily between spouses, people need to feel cared for, connected, a bond, safe, valued, and a sense of closeness.
When you are intentional about dating, especially dates where you take the time to open up to each other, check in, where you can be playful with each other, and dream together about the future, you are laying the foundation to enhance communication in your marriage.
how to find common interests with your spouse
There are two kinds of spouses in the world. (Ugh. I can’t stand statements like this.)
- Those who think it’s not important to share some common interests with their spouse.
- Those who think not having common interests is the end of the world. (Or marriage.)
They’re both wrong. Developing some common interests reinforces that you are a team and keeps you connected. It builds one of the most overlooked areas in marriage—friendship. (Newlyweds: “We’re soooo in love!” 10 Years Later And Beyond: “We’re best friends.”)
For those two kinds of spouses (And everyone in between) Here’s how you find those common interests…
Each of you get out a piece of paper and thoroughly answer these three questions:
- When you were a kid, what were you interested in?
- What were you interested in when you were in high school?
- What are you interested in lately?
Now compare your answers. One of you was interested in exploring as a kid. One of you was interested in camping out. Reconnect with those childhood interests as you connect with each other on a camping adventure. Be curious. Keep comparing lists. Make connections. Find the overlap.
what we’re lovin’
This week’s picks come from Mitchell Qualls, husband of 17 years to his wife Dalet, a dad of 2, and the Operations Director here at First Things First. Take a peek at his recommendations for this week because they are just THAT GOOD. Check ’em out 👀:
🔥Intimately Us is an incredible app to deepen sexual intimacy in your relationship. There are games, conversation starters, and daily challenges. My wife and I have become more intentional with one another through the guidance we found here.
🃏Gottman Card Decks is another great app loaded with conversation starters. When you want to talk about more than kids and work but don’t know where to start, open up the app and pick a topic. We all use apps on a daily basis, so load up on some that will help you connect better with your spouse.
🤍 The Five Love Languages Quiz is a must for all couples. You can take the quiz online and sign up to receive emails about how to show your spouse love the way they prefer to receive it. We took this several years ago and it’s a game-changer. We prefer to receive love in different ways and when we know that, we can be more intentional about showing it.
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