October 22, 2021
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how to deal with unspoken expectations
Things aren’t always what you expect them to be, especially in marriage.
In his book, Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married, Dr. Gary Chapman tells about the frustration he and his wife felt in the early years of their marriage. At one point, he shares that they went for weeks without cleaning the toilet.
He couldn’t understand why she wasn’t cleaning the toilet because that was something his mom always did. Carolyn couldn’t understand why Gary wasn’t cleaning the toilet because that was her father’s chore in her childhood home. Unfortunately, neither told the other about their expectation.
When Chapman worked up enough nerve to ask his wife why she hadn’t cleaned their toilet, he finally learned she was waiting for him to do it. Needless to say, that became an interesting and eye-opening moment in their marriage.
It’s now always easy to figure out how to deal with unspoken expectations as a couple.
Truth be told, every married couple probably has a similar story. They walked into marriage thinking they knew and understood each other only to discover there were numerous unspoken expectations that each person assumed the other understood—little things like how to spend money, how many children to have (if any), where to spend the holidays, whether to buy new or used cars and how much to spend on them, who cleans the house and who handles yard work.
Looking back, even the happiest of couples will acknowledge that these “little” unspoken expectations have created tension in their marriage. And, if they had it to do over again, they would discuss them ahead of time.
5 tips for distancing from your in-laws
As a newlywed, establishing and navigating relationships with in-laws can be filled with tension and pitfalls. I recall the first significant conversation with my in-laws when I felt disrespected and disconnected. The conversation went something like this: “Hey, you never call. You never come by. Do you not like us?” I remember trying to gather my thoughts. My first reaction was, “OMG! I want nothing to do with them!” From there, I had to stop and consider what they were asking for, not what I was hearing. They wanted to be part of our lives but were pushing too hard to make that happen.
You may be saying, “There is nothing to consider! They said something I don’t like, and there is nothing to think about and nothing we need to talk about, ever.” I get it. I really do.
Here are some things to keep in mind if you need some distance from your in-laws:
• Understand that their family dynamics or interactions are different from yours.
• Be willing to create a relationship with the in-laws.
• Their behavior probably comes from a place of care.
• Living away from them can provide natural boundaries.
• You and your spouse are a FAMILY.
When you and your spouse said, “I do,” you united your families as well. Learning the rules of engagement for each family requires time, effort, and patience. You may have heard the old saying: “Good fences make good neighbors.” That saying also applies to families. When you have healthy boundaries, it can prevent in-laws from being outlaws.
what we’re lovin’
This week’s picks come from Reggie Madison, a husband, Dad of 7 (Yes, you read that right, he and his wife are wayyy out numbered!), and the Community Relations Director here at First Things First! Take a peek at his recommendations for this week because they are just THAT GOOD. Check ’em out 👀:
💸 Love and Money- By Rodney Cox and Don Blanton- Got a chance to meet one of the authors. He’s a great guy with a heart to see marriages thrive. This book aims to help couples use money to help them accomplish their dreams together, not bring division in the marriage.
📗 Crossing the Tracks for Love- by Ruby K. Payne PhD – People that come into marriage from very different backgrounds and class differences can run into difficulties that hinder the marriage from thriving. Payne examines the effects of some of these potential differences and helps couples and those helping couples turn those challenges into marital strengths.
💻 Sammy Clu TV Youtube Channel- though it’s not his original material. This comedian sitting alongside his wife provides good quick hitting laughs about “Life with His Wife.”
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