July 08, 2022
top trending topics
🚫 Find out if opposite-sex friendships are in the danger zone.
🗣️ Differ with your fiancé on politics?
🏡 Living together vs. married– what’s the difference?
🙃 If your relationship changes after marriage, that’s normal!
💻 Look out for these 9 warning signs of a porn addiction.
tips & tricks for growth
manage the conflict with ease
Parents teach their kids to stop, look and listen before crossing the street. But believe it or not, this is a really useful skill for managing conflict.
🖐️ Stop. Before launching into a lecture or hissy fit, consider these things. Ask yourself if what you are about to say or do will be helpful to your relationship. What is your current state of mind – are you stressed, tired or hungry? These things can impact how intensely you feel about something at any given moment.
👀 Look. First, look at your future spouse and remember you are on the same team, not rivals. Then, examine the situation at hand and ask yourself if this is truly a big deal or really a matter of different preferences. Whether it is folding towels, loading the dishwasher or the current condition of your car’s interior, some things boil down to personal preference. Is pursuing a conversation about these things worth the cost? And, in looking at the big picture of living life together, will you choose to place your focus on these areas?
👂Listen. Instead of assuming your fiancé couldn’t possibly have a reasonable explanation for why they do something a certain way, seek to understand their perspective before telling them why your way makes the most sense. It could help you avoid a lot of unnecessary drama. Even when you truly believe you are right, is it really necessary to prove it?
learn these things before the wedding day
Being engaged is a season of anticipation! You feel all kinds of excitement, right? You can’t wait! Before the wedding arrives, that and the honeymoon are all you can think about! (Plus, you can’t wait for all those wedding questions to stop!)
There’s a lot to talk about before you get married. And let’s be honest, wedding planning dominates the majority of your conversations with friends, family and especially your fiancé!
However, there are a few things you can easily skip over in conversations because “You just don’t have time to think about that right now.” Do yourself a favor and talk through these seven things before the wedding… I mean, that is what the big day is all about!
Where do you want to live?
What are your partner’s goals?
Do you want to have kids? If so, when?
what we’re lovin’
This week’s picks come from James Woods, Husband to Marquita, Dad of 6, and the Community Outreach Specialist here at First Things First. Take a peek at his recommendations for this week because they are just THAT GOOD. Check ’em out 👀:
share the love
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