April 01, 2022
top trending topics
🤍 Learn how you can care for your fiancé’s mental health.
🌟 Spending some time alone can be good for both you & your relationship.
💔 When you forgive yourself, you can learn from your mistakes & move forward.
🤗 Wondering if you’re a good friend? Look no further.
🗣️ Yes, even the happiest couples argue!
tips & tricks for growth
live in the present with your future spouse
Have you ever said “I miss you,” after sitting next to your fiancé on the couch all evening? Or thought it silently to yourself as you question, “What did we even do? I mean we were next to each other—how can I miss them?”
Just being in the same room with your honey doesn’t make you present with each other in ways that make your relationship stronger.
The fix for this? Finding ways to be more present with your fiancé. Think of it as the way you spend your time together. Quality over quantity… though if you can make time to have your cake and eat it, too, a high quantity of quality time sounds amazing.
Here are 4 ways to begin being more present with your future spouse:
✨ Intentional conversation.
✨ Touch.
✨ Pay attention to ways you can connect throughout the day…
✨ Make time for fun!
Being more present with your love doesn’t have to take a lot of time or energy. But it does take being intentional with the time and energy you can offer each other.
find more understanding toward your strong-willed fiancé
Often at the beginning of relationships, it’s the differences that attract. You must admit that your future spouse probably didn’t become strong-willed overnight. When you began your relationship, they may have exhibited strong-willed qualities that benefited your relationship. They were firm and steadfast in their beliefs and in their decisions. They were transparent with boundaries and expectations.
But now, them being strong-willed has become a problem to be solved. However, your strong-willed fiancé doesn’t see themselves as having or being a problem. They are being themselves. As such, your honey sees themselves as determined, passionate, self-assured, confident, or knowing their own mind.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Your approach to them matters.
2. Give them space to figure out their point of view.
3. They have feelings beneath the surface.
4. Timing is key.
5. You’re on the same team, yet have different (roles, positions, responsibilities).
Marriage is made up of two different people walking through life together. Once you begin to see your future spouse’s strong will positively, it will enhance your relationship.
what we’re lovin’
This week’s picks come from Margo Mathis, wife to her husband of 2 years, Jebediah, dog momma to Maggie, soon-to-be #GirlMom, and the Email Specialist here at First Things First. Take a peek at her recommendations for this week because they are just THAT GOOD. Check ’em out 👀:
🐶 Pet parents, you need Chewy! If you’re like me, your dog/pet is a part of your family, but sometimes the hustle & bustle of life cause you to forget their monthly heartworm medicine or even forget that bag of dog food on your grocery list. Heck, who even wants to shlep a 50-pound bag of dog food around the store anyway? With Chewy, we have our dog’s monthly medicine delivered (which always reminds us to give it to her!) & that heavy bag of dog food is delivered right on our front porch.
😋 If you like to cook easy, healthy meals, you’ll love @defineddish on instagram! She makes healthy eating simplified. One of our favorite recipes to make is her sloppy janes. They’re a quick, easy, healthy & delicious take on the OG sloppy joe. Ditch that canned version and give the sloppy janes a try!
🍅 My favorite hobby: fruit & vegetable gardening. You can find your planting zone (based on the geographical region you live in!), and you’ll then find tips/tricks and timing on when and what to plant in your area. I started gardening 3 years ago and immediately fell in love. It’s great for my mental health, physical health (Eating delish homegrown veggies all summer!), & I absolutely love the gratification I get when I sow a tiny seed in the ground that eventually yields me a ton of delicious produce. I challenge you to plant at least one fruit or veggie this summer. It doesn’t have to be complicated; just get started!
share the love
Know a friend who would love reading all the relationship goodness we’ve packed in here? Go ahead and share it with them!