Improving your skills is great for your relationship!
Research on what makes marriage work indicates that happy and healthy couples demonstrate a ratio of 5:1 positive to negative behaviors in their relationship.This means there are five times as many positive interactions between happy couples (i.e. listening, validating the other person, using soft words, expressing appreciation, affirmation, physical affection, compliments, etc.) as there are negative (i.e. raising one’s voice, stating a complaint, or expressing one’s anger).Tips for improving t… Baumgardner Baumgardner2017-08-16 00:00:002022-11-21 11:50:38Keys to Effective Communication in Marriage
Sally, an outdoor enthusiast, is happily married to her husband, Sam, a computer buff.* Instead of nagging Sam about not being outside with her, Sally joined a weekly hiking club to meet her need to experience the great outdoors. Sally made lots of new friends. On hikes they would talk about kids, spouses, etc. Baumgardner Baumgardner2017-08-15 00:00:002022-03-11 14:47:14Can a Marriage Survive an Affair?
Marriage expert and creator of, Michele Weiner-Davis, and her husband Jim have been married for more than 30 years. Since Weiner-Davis is an expert, you might assume that marriage would be easy.“Expert or not, marriage is hard work,” says Weiner-Davis. “At times you consider quitting. Baumgardner Baumgardner2017-08-15 00:00:002022-08-24 09:28:02Seasons of a Marriage
David H. Olson, founder of Life Innovations and one of the creators of the Prepare/Enrich marriage enrichment tools, has surveyed 21,501 married couples in all 50 states to identify the top ten strengths of happy marriages.Research shows the strongest couples are those who have strong communication skills, a clear sense of closeness as a couple, flexibility, personal compatibility and good conflict management skills.In strong marriages, there is a balance between separateness and togetherness. T…
As people marry later in life, many are bringing long-term opposite-sex friendships into their marriage relationship. While the friendships were great during singlehood, in marriage, it can be hard to know if these opposite-sex friends are ok. “I think it is OK for married people to have opposite-sex friends,” says Lisa Stewart. “However, I believe…
Keys to Effective Communication in Marriage
Research on what makes marriage work indicates that happy and healthy couples demonstrate a ratio of 5:1 positive to negative behaviors in their relationship.This means there are five times as many positive interactions between happy couples (i.e. listening, validating the other person, using soft words, expressing appreciation, affirmation, physical affection, compliments, etc.) as there are negative (i.e. raising one’s voice, stating a complaint, or expressing one’s anger).Tips for improving t…
Can a Marriage Survive an Affair?
Sally, an outdoor enthusiast, is happily married to her husband, Sam, a computer buff.* Instead of nagging Sam about not being outside with her, Sally joined a weekly hiking club to meet her need to experience the great outdoors. Sally made lots of new friends. On hikes they would talk about kids, spouses, etc.
Seasons of a Marriage
Marriage expert and creator of, Michele Weiner-Davis, and her husband Jim have been married for more than 30 years. Since Weiner-Davis is an expert, you might assume that marriage would be easy.“Expert or not, marriage is hard work,” says Weiner-Davis. “At times you consider quitting.
Top 10 Strengths of Happy Marriages
David H. Olson, founder of Life Innovations and one of the creators of the Prepare/Enrich marriage enrichment tools, has surveyed 21,501 married couples in all 50 states to identify the top ten strengths of happy marriages.Research shows the strongest couples are those who have strong communication skills, a clear sense of closeness as a couple, flexibility, personal compatibility and good conflict management skills.In strong marriages, there is a balance between separateness and togetherness. T…
Are Opposite-Sex Friends OK?
As people marry later in life, many are bringing long-term opposite-sex friendships into their marriage relationship. While the friendships were great during singlehood, in marriage, it can be hard to know if these opposite-sex friends are ok. “I think it is OK for married people to have opposite-sex friends,” says Lisa Stewart. “However, I believe…