I cannot tell you how many times something I did or said bothered my wife, and that stayed on her mind all day long. Over and over it plays in her mind… Why did he say that? What was he thinking? He made me feel like this… What he did bothered me because… He must’ve…

How To Make The Most of Breaks From School

Planning how you'll spend your time can make the breaks more fun.

Thanks to online shopping, my purchases were virtually complete. I asked my family what they wanted, and then I bought a few perfect presents (within my budget, of course). But after the shopping was complete, I needed to plan how we’d spend Christmas break together. For. Two. Whole. Weeks. I didn’t want to waste precious…

I love music. I can’t sing well or play an instrument but I find peace and comfort in songs. My wife and I were headed to Birmingham for Thanksgiving and “Fresh Eyes” by Andy Grammer came on. I had heard this song but never really listened to it. He talks about how his relationship had…