“Money, money, money. That’s all we seem to argue about.” “She spends too much money at the grocery store on stuff we don’t need.” “He always wants to eat out.” “She’s always buying new clothes.” “We’re not buying the furniture he wants. It costs too much.” “He won’t let me loan my sister a few…

Any couple involved in a remarriage can tell you there are definitely some complicating factors.  Extended family is even more extended. There are typically at least three people involved in parenting decisions, if not more. Visitation with the other parent involves consulting more schedules, and co-parenting is often complicated.  Here are some blended family facts…

Some people eagerly anticipate the arrival of a new year, hoping for new opportunities. Others feel stuck in a rut and could really care less. At the ripe old age of 28, Dr. Jeff Fray, psychologist/consultant, had met all of his life goals.