For decades, concern has been expressed about how family breakdown impacts children, but the future impact on adults hasn’t received much attention. That's changing.In 2018, a Cigna study set off alarms about loneliness and its potential root causes as it indicated loneliness is at epidemic proportions in America. In an article for City Journal, Kay Hymowitz, William E. Simon Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys…

Based on hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, Dr. Warren Farrell, co-author of The Boy Crisis, says that “Dad’s time trumps Dad’s dime.”  “More than 100 psychologists and researchers got together. They wrote in unanimous consent that the children need their father about equally to their mother in the case of divorce,” says Farrell.  Farrell explained that…

Is it even possible to fight nice with your spouse? When my kids were younger and they disagreed (or worse) I would tell them, “Boys, fight nice!” This always got concerned looks from any other parents hanging around. “Shouldn’t you be telling them not to fight?” “Nope,” I would stand my ground. “I want them…